I just checked. I have signed up for 8 exchanges on 3 different forums. What was I thinking? I have to admit, I have always enjoyed the exchanges I have joined. I think that only 2 have gone south aka I never received beads for one reason or another. Other than that, each and every exchange has been a wonderful learning experience and a test of skill. They are wonderful opportunities for growth and development.
What was I thinking? They seemed like fun, and, so far, they have been, but 8 exchanges on 3 different forums! My goodness! What was I thinking?
Well, just let me show you what has come of one exchange.
This is a tube and bicone exchange.
The rules state that each bead submitted must be 2 inches or more.
Do you want to see what I am sending to our hostess for this exchange?
Here they are.
I saved the best for last. I was going to send this in, but I have decided to keep it.
Now, I have to wire wrap it and get ready to wear it.
I haven't forgotten the challenge, either. I'm going to start gathering the photos to show.
I hope I have the original one!
You chose a terrific one to keep and wear, Mallory. I love those flowers on that pink. The cooked ivory one is terrific, too-- ivory only gets better and better the longer you leave it in the flame. Oh, and the dark one with the splash of pastel-- that bead makes a statement!
LOL yes I must say that is a lot of exchanges...as long as your having fun go for it!
You did a wonderful job with you bicones. Love how long and slender they are.
WOW Mallory - what a terrific selection of beads for the exchange.
Your bicone's do look fabulous, lovely & sleek.
Well done :o)
(my beads, like me, just seem to keep getting fatter.lol!)
Hi Mallory, this is so pretty with the little flowers in it. Carol Jean
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