Look at this bead------------------->
I found it in Betsy's Artfire store. Isn't this bead amazing! Wow!
There are other beautiful beads that Betsy makes. Now, however, I'm going to let her speak a little, and I will interrupt as needed.
I started with pottery quite young, probably about 5, digging clay out of a ditch bank and making a Mexican hat out of it, while my mom was taking lunch to my step-dad who was working in the fields. I went to college and got a BA in art, and if I had had the money, I would have stayed longer than 5 years. My mother told me I was a jack of all trades and master of none, and that's because there are simply too many new things to learn how to do in just one lifetime. I've knapped arrowheads, tanned hides, made quilts (by hand), done beadwork, weaving, metal work, jewelry, pottery, stained glass, fine art painting, pen and ink drawing and lots of other things, but lampworking is one of my favorite things to do. I read an article in a magazine in the late 80s about using a plumber's torch to melt stained glass shards on a coat hanger wire that had been dipped in kiln wash. After learning how to do that, I went on to buy actual glass rods and learned how to make dots and plunges and petals, and eventually bought a Hot Head torch.

This bead ------------------------->
is in Betsy's Etsy Store.
I was sidetracked by my son needing multiple surgeries to keep him out of a wheelchair, and that's when I went into my pen and ink mode. It was easier to just pick up and lay down. But after his last surgery, I was able to get back into torching. When oxygen concentrators became affordable, I bought one (I was too chicken to use oxygen tanks. LOL, I gave our propane gas grill away because I was afraid of the propane tank exploding). I went from my trusty Hot Head to a Bobcat and promptly melted my mandrel. Now I'm on a Cricket and enjoy it even more than the Bobcat.
I retired from my day job several years ago since Lukas had graduated from high school, and now enjoy being able to work from my nice studio that my nephews made from enclosing our porch. I share my studio with my ferrets, cats and my Pip dog, who's favorite spot in the morning is sitting in my chair, wedged between my back and the chair back, while I read the news and email.

There are still lots of things I would like to explore with glass, and I've been getting the urge to do some pen & ink drawing, and painting, and quilting, and, oh, did I mention I bought an embroidery machine? Getting too old and slow to do it by hand.
This bead is also in Betsy's Etsy store.
Isn't it gorgeous? ----------------->
Oh, and don't forget, Betsy also has a wonderful blog! You can find it here. It's called "Meanderings."
You won't be disappointed. Pay Betsy a visit, and you'll see that this Minnesota girl is a fabulous artist!
I love Betsy's work. We exchanged a handful of emails/etsy convo's last summer before we made our annual trip up to MN to visit family. I would love a photo tour of her studio AND her farm :)
I just purchased 8 of Betsy's beads and can hardly wait for them to arrive in the mail. They look so incredibly beautiful in the pictures, and I hope to eventually collect many more!! From Judy Ponce in Wilmer Alabama.
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