A visit to Lydia Muell's website is a trip to the extraordinary. As I perused her website, my jaw continued to drop. I drooled over her beads and jewelry. It is amazing! Now, I invite you to take this walk yourself. You will NOT be disappointed.

When I began playing with glass in 2005, it was not with the idea that I would become a career lampworker. Rather, it was to be a stepping stone to larger work. Glassblowing was my mission back in those days and I thought lampworking would be the gateway obsession that would eventually deliver me into the moderate sized hot shop that I so desired. I wanted to make functional art glass pieces like candle holders, huge glass beads that could be used as drapery finials, blown glass spice jars for Tuscan style kitchens. . .I had to crawl before I could walk and somehow I found myself on an unexpected path.

Timing, rhythm, and repetition are the elements that move me most in a piece of visual art, just as they move me when I listen to beautifully arranged symphonic piece. As cliche as this may sound, if I can SEE the music playing within one of my beads, I know I've achieved something soulful.

Now, it's time for you to make a visit to Lydia's website! You will be amazed!
I love Lydia's bracelets! Stunning!
Isn't she amazing??? I feel fortunate to have a set of her beads, but I have yet to do them justice!
Unbelievable creations. I'm in awe...
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