Saturday, February 28, 2015
Friday, February 27, 2015
Three Beautiful Things This Week
Three Beautiful Things This Week was inspired by a wonderful blog that Three Beautiful Things. Everyday,
Clare writes about 3 Beautiful
Things that
happen each day
in her life. It's a wonderful
blog! I can
only hope to
imitate her in a very small
1) With any luck, last night's cold is the last frigid, bitter cold night of the year!
2) The yogurt turned out delicious!
3) Clay time this weekend!
1) With any luck, last night's cold is the last frigid, bitter cold night of the year!
2) The yogurt turned out delicious!
3) Clay time this weekend!
Thursday, February 26, 2015
30 Word Thursday:: Snow Day
It was a snow day, yesterday.
The snow fell fast and full.
Flakes of great beauty for all to see.
Perfectly formed crystals,
frozen in time.
the cycle of life.
Taken from Erin's blog:
Treasures Found:: Inspiration is Everywhere
Taken from Erin's blog:
Treasures Found:: Inspiration is Everywhere
The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...
Take an image (preferably one you shot, or have permission to use).
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
Add your link to the InLinkz on my 30 Words Thursday post.
(InLinkz code will be open for one week.)
Enjoy seeing the verse and vision others have captured by visiting them and leaving a comment.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Some days you just get lucky...
you win an auction for beads that
Juli Cannon
when it arrives at your house,
you smile even more!
it will be a necklace!
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I got so excited with the package that came in the mail today....
Don't tell anyone! I'm giving you a sneak peek. I joined a polymer clay exchange on Facebook. The object of the exchange is Birdhouses.
Now, I'm not a fan of the type of exchange where you are assigned a partner, and the two of you make the exchange. I have been burned more times with this type of exchange than I care to tell.
I don't know why I did it, but I joined.
I met a very lovely woman who is self taught and has only been claying around for 2 years. I was impressed. We exchanged information and proceeded to make our birdhouses. I only wish the photo did the birdhouse justice
Loretta told me that in the south, gourds make wonderful birdhouses. She made this big and beautiful birdhouse for me. I haven't show it yet on Facebook. The reveal is next month. I can hardly wait to share it with the others in the group. I'm not sure how I'm going to string this. I might just make some "spring type" beads to go on a strand. Or, I might just leave the birdhouse alone to shine.
I love it!!! Thank you, Loretta!!!
Now, I'm not a fan of the type of exchange where you are assigned a partner, and the two of you make the exchange. I have been burned more times with this type of exchange than I care to tell.
I don't know why I did it, but I joined.
I met a very lovely woman who is self taught and has only been claying around for 2 years. I was impressed. We exchanged information and proceeded to make our birdhouses. I only wish the photo did the birdhouse justice
Loretta told me that in the south, gourds make wonderful birdhouses. She made this big and beautiful birdhouse for me. I haven't show it yet on Facebook. The reveal is next month. I can hardly wait to share it with the others in the group. I'm not sure how I'm going to string this. I might just make some "spring type" beads to go on a strand. Or, I might just leave the birdhouse alone to shine.
I love it!!! Thank you, Loretta!!!
Monday, February 23, 2015
Now that Etsy has Changed It's Search Engine Again....
Here are a couple of tips for listing and for searching.
When I am looking for an item on Etsy, I don't use categories. Etsy seems to believe that this is how you need to search. So, if you plan to search for something using Categories, it's going to be difficult because all the categories are lumped under very vague titles.
If you are searching for lampwork beads under categories, you will never find the title "lampwork beads." The last change, Etsy took away handmade. I wonder why?
That's another topic.
I have found, that if you are looking for something on Etsy, the best way to search is to go to the top bar and put in exactly what you are looking for when you search.
For Example:: handmade, lampwork, glass, beads Make sure you get in all the words. You should get to a page that has handmade, lampwork, glass, beads.
You can also search by shop name. For Example, my shop user name is: rosebud101. Since I use the tag, rosebud101, you should be directed to my shop.
Sellers, when you are listing, you have to use categories, as confusing as they are! OK. Fill in the categories, then go down to the tags. (I can't figure out how Esty expects anyone to find anything with these new categories.) The tags will get more people to your shop than anything else.
When I list lampwork beads, here's how I will tag the item::
rosebud101, handmade, lampwork, glass, beads, supplies, supplies for jewelry, etc. Make sure you use every tag! This is very important.
If you have a newsletter, send it out and let people know that Etsy has again changed their categories, and this is how to find you. Send them a direct link to your store. Send them words to use in searches.
This is challenging, but getting people to your store is doable. It's just not easy. So: good luck!
We're all in this together.
When I am looking for an item on Etsy, I don't use categories. Etsy seems to believe that this is how you need to search. So, if you plan to search for something using Categories, it's going to be difficult because all the categories are lumped under very vague titles.
If you are searching for lampwork beads under categories, you will never find the title "lampwork beads." The last change, Etsy took away handmade. I wonder why?
That's another topic.
I have found, that if you are looking for something on Etsy, the best way to search is to go to the top bar and put in exactly what you are looking for when you search.
For Example:: handmade, lampwork, glass, beads Make sure you get in all the words. You should get to a page that has handmade, lampwork, glass, beads.
You can also search by shop name. For Example, my shop user name is: rosebud101. Since I use the tag, rosebud101, you should be directed to my shop.
Sellers, when you are listing, you have to use categories, as confusing as they are! OK. Fill in the categories, then go down to the tags. (I can't figure out how Esty expects anyone to find anything with these new categories.) The tags will get more people to your shop than anything else.
When I list lampwork beads, here's how I will tag the item::
rosebud101, handmade, lampwork, glass, beads, supplies, supplies for jewelry, etc. Make sure you use every tag! This is very important.
If you have a newsletter, send it out and let people know that Etsy has again changed their categories, and this is how to find you. Send them a direct link to your store. Send them words to use in searches.
This is challenging, but getting people to your store is doable. It's just not easy. So: good luck!
We're all in this together.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
Three Beautiul Things This Week
Three Beautiful Things This Week was inspired by a wonderful blog that Three Beautiful Things. Everyday,
Clare writes about 3 Beautiful
Things that
happen each day
in her life. It's a wonderful
blog! I can
only hope to
imitate her in a very small
1) Stitches come out today! Yes!!!
2) Took a 2 hour nap this morning!
3) I finished a book, and it was a long one, that I started yesterday. It was really good. I'll talk about this book later.
1) Stitches come out today! Yes!!!
2) Took a 2 hour nap this morning!
3) I finished a book, and it was a long one, that I started yesterday. It was really good. I'll talk about this book later.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
30 Word Thursday: Pixie
Lovely she looks in red,
Whatever more could be said?
Those eyes,
those eyes,
If I said no,
it would be a surprise!
Could you say no to those beautiful eyes?
From Erin's Blog
The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...
Take an image (preferably one you shot, or have permission to use).
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
Add your link to the InLinkz on my 30 Words Thursday post.
(InLinkz code will be open for one week.)
Enjoy seeing the verse and vision others have captured by visiting them and leaving a comment.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
40 Days and 40 Nights
For Christians,
today is the start of the season of Lent,
a time of prayer, fasting, alms giving, and works of love
in a effort to grow closer to
No, I haven't forgotten that this is a blog about beads.
I really haven't.
Today is the day that you will see people with ashes on their foreheads
in the shape of a cross.
When the priest or minister puts ashes on the forehead of the person, he says,
"Remember, you are dust, and to dust you shall return."
This is just to remind us that our bodies are not eternal,
but our souls are.
So, as I walk my journey through this lenten season,
I want to let you know,
that I you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Still Stuck, But Here's a Thought,
You might want to look at this store on Etsy...
Oh, the things you will see...
to see this.
Love it!
Aren't these
to see this.
These are just wonderful!
to see this.
Photos are taken from the shop.
I didn't take them.
It's a great store to visit!
Monday, February 16, 2015
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Friday, February 13, 2015
Three Beautiful Things This Week
Three Beautiful Things This Week was inspired by a wonderful blog that Three Beautiful Things. Everyday,
Clare writes about 3 Beautiful
Things that
happen each day
in her life. It's a wonderful
blog! I can
only hope to
imitate her in a very small
1) Wrist surgery was successful! The post surgery pain is almost nothing compared to what I had before the surgery! I've only taken two Tylenol since the surgery!
2) After coming home from surgery, I got sick. I guess I picked up a bug there. The good thing is that I am back in the, ahem, "pink" again. I am 100% better.
3) Pixie gave me kisses today!
1) Wrist surgery was successful! The post surgery pain is almost nothing compared to what I had before the surgery! I've only taken two Tylenol since the surgery!
2) After coming home from surgery, I got sick. I guess I picked up a bug there. The good thing is that I am back in the, ahem, "pink" again. I am 100% better.
3) Pixie gave me kisses today!
Thursday, February 12, 2015
30 Word Thursday: Sick
Surgery on my wrist yesterday.
Looks like I picked up a bug.
Low grade fever.
My wrist doesn't hurt,
I feel awful!
Wish that germ that was waiting,
From Erin's Blog,
The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...
Take an image (preferably one you shot, or have permission to use).
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
Add your link to the InLinkz on my 30 Words Thursday post.
(InLinkz code will be open for one week.)
Enjoy seeing the verse and vision others have captured by visiting them and leaving a comment.
30 Words Thursday: Grab an image (preferably one you shot or one you have permission to use). Write exactly 30 Words (no more, no less). Post it.
If you would like to participate in the 30 Words Thursday with me, please add your link below.
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
This, That, and The Other
I'm putting a little more effort back into my Etsy Store
I'm listing both polymer clay and lampwork glass beads.
If you get a chance take a look.
Right now, I only have 13 items, lucky 13 items in my store.
I will be adding to it as I go along.
Here's the finished journal!
Someone reminded me of my promise for my first completed journal.
Can't keep it.
It's going to a good home.
I really like it!
A wintery mix expected this morning.
(It's already here!)
Wrist surgery is this afternoon.
I'm not sure how much it will hurt to type, so this blog might be on a
sabbatical for a few days.
I know the doc wants me to use it as much as possible.
If I can, I'll update tomorrow.
I'm not sure, but we'll see.
It's a ten minute procedure.
No anesthetic needed.
They will numb my arm and make two cuts, sew it up.
Problem solved.
Talk to you soon!
Monday, February 9, 2015
Good Things Do Happen
See this bead?
I love this bead!
I made it about 3 years ago,
so it's not fresh glass.
I have been trying to sell this bead for 3 years.
I still don't understand why it didn't sell.
I don't get it.
last night,
I am thrilled beyond measure!
Finally, it sold, and actually for more money than what I was asking the last time I tried to sell it.
Go figure.
It just takes the right buyer.
I hope she enjoys it!
I was thinking about keeping it, but I need to clean out my beads.
I've reopened my Etsy store, and that's where she sold.
thank you to my buyer.
I think you will enjoy her!
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Friday, February 6, 2015
Three Beautiful Things This Week
Three Beautiful Things This Week was inspired by a wonderful blog that Three Beautiful Things. Everyday,
Clare writes about 3 Beautiful
Things that
happen each day
in her life. It's a wonderful
blog! I can
only hope to
imitate her in a very small
1) We were snowed on this week 2 times. Mother Nature added 5 more inches to the snow we had. I can do this!
2) The paint has been chipping off of my glasses. It looks very artsy tartsy. Anyway, I get new frames for my glasses for free! How nice they were guaranteed!
3) If you like the cold, I can assure you that you would have liked this week. Dang it all! It was cold!
1) We were snowed on this week 2 times. Mother Nature added 5 more inches to the snow we had. I can do this!
2) The paint has been chipping off of my glasses. It looks very artsy tartsy. Anyway, I get new frames for my glasses for free! How nice they were guaranteed!
3) If you like the cold, I can assure you that you would have liked this week. Dang it all! It was cold!
Thursday, February 5, 2015
30 Word Thursday:: Winter
The groundhog said there would be
Count them,
I don't like this.
It's too cold!
I need spring and summer!
I hope he's wrong!
From Erin's Blog::
The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...
Take an image (preferably one you shot, or have permission to use).
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
Add your link to the InLinkz on my 30 Words Thursday post.
(InLinkz code will be open for one week.)
Enjoy seeing the verse and vision others have captured by visiting them and leaving a comment.
Be there or be square!
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
My wrist Still Hurts, but Surgery is Scheduled for next week, so I decided that it didn't Matter what I did, so I made a journal cover using polymer clay!
It doesn't matter what I do, my wrist still hurts.
I say that a lot during the day.
Surgery is scheduled for next week,
so I decided that
if it was going to hurt anyway,
I might as well work with polymer clay.
I made this cover for a journal.
I still have to age it and add accents to it, I like it so far.
I hope to have this glued on to my journal soon.
I need spring.
How about you?
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Dear February,
Dear February,
You do know that you weren't supposed to begin until today, don't you? I was surprised to look at my calendar and see I was three days late. You started without me, but that doesn't surprise me.
You are a sly month, dearest February. You are supposed to be a month of love, but the snow keeps on falling, and I have to drive in it.
My son told me that my car is a "snow beast." According to him, that's good, but I still slip down the hill near church. Can you explain this? If my car is, indeed, a snow beast, that shouldn't be happening in February, should it?
In other parts of the country, spring is not the forbidden fruit that it is here. I place the blame squarely on you, dear February, clearly on you!
Then there is the celebration of love called Valentine's Day.
It's nice at times, I will admit, dearest February,
when you are snowed in with people you don't like on Valentine's Day at a restaurant because your
Snow beast cannot handle the amount of snow,
well, enough said about that.
The flowers are still resting under the snow, sleeping.
That is such a beautiful image, isn't it, February?
Today, our high will be 1,
Yes, February, I said, 1.
Where are the flowers now?
If they are smart, they have fled my garden to be found in Florida or Hawaii.
Oh, February, you are a fickle beast.
If you think I don't like you, you're right.
on the plus side,
you are a short month,
as you deserve to be.
People are cranky!
People want to wear sandals, shorts and tank tops.
Oh, February you are a cruel mistress!
Fly by me.
I'm ready for spring!
Monday, February 2, 2015
R.I.P., Pat. You will not be forgotten.
That was it's name.
I found Pat in a thrift store waiting for a new
"forever" home.
The price tag on Pat was $5.
plugged Pat into the nearby socket, and
Pat got warm, and that was great!
I brought Pat into a loving home where
Pat a dedicated job.
Pat was a dedicated oven for polymer clay.
Pat moved between two homes.
Pat's temperature was just a bit too low, so when I adjust Pat,
I heated Pat just a little bit more than I should.
For two + years,
Pat was dedicated to
"curing" polymer clay on a regular basis.
Pat worked all day on many days,
but Pat never tired.
Pat was dedicated to the job of curing polymer clay at the correct temperature.
Pat worked hard and tirelessly,
Pat succumbed to old age.
Pat passed peacefully on the second batch of clay that was in the oven for curing.
Pat's bell rang for the last time.
I was not able to revive Pat.
Pat died of old age and malfunction.
Rest In Peace, Pat.
You will not be forgotten.
Rest in Peace.
I laid Pat to rest in the garbage can.
Pat was covered in a shroud of plastic.
I heard a bell ring in the distance.
It rang 21 times.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
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