Huh? She lives in Minnesota, you might say. What's with the Southern Flames?
Well, the truth is, I happen to be the northern most member of the Southern Flames, a chapter of the ISGB, (International Society of Glass Beaders) formed in Atlanta, Georgia.
In March, I made a trip to Atlanta to visit Marcy Lamberson and take a class with Caitlin Hyde. Since I was a non member of the Southern Flames, my class cost me an extra $25. I was offered the option to join the Southern Flames and use the extra $25 to do so. So, I did!
Long story short, as a result, one of my beads is included in the Southern Flames post card. (Check out row 3 and move over to the 3rd bead.) That should be my bead. I'm proud to be a member of the Southern Flames! I plan to continue my membership in future years! Check it out! I love the beads in this post card!
SUCH a pretty post card!
Way to go, Mallory!!
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