I made, it, too! Thank you, Sara Sally LaGrand! I learned to make it in the class I took from Sara at the Bead and Button Show.
I combined black for the center bead and I streaked it with chalcedony. Then I built the pod around the base bead. I put a final edge on the glass of chalcedony.
Wow! I'm in awe, and it's mine!
I almost forgot! And the winner is.....................
Mona and the Gaffer Girls!
Oh, I used the Random Number Generator at Custom Random Generator since Jenny was busy!
I'll get the vessel out to you this week!
Ang, Sydney, and esdesigns, you will each get one of my ugly beads! I just need some addresses from you. Send me a convo on Etsy or on Artfire!
Wow, very neat Mallory!!
Woo hooo - go Mona & the Gaffer Girls. Well won - oopsy I mean well done!
Mallory that is a FANTABULOUS bead. I love it!!
Gorgeous! :)
Just beautiful. What a neat thing to be able to do.
Sweetfern Handmade
Very cool bead!
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