Well, here it is. It's my new toy from CG Beads, and I LOVE IT!
This amazing tool makes small ribbed stubby bicones! Now, I think I'm going to have to order the stubby bicone maker. This is just one amazing tool!
How about some photos of beads I made with this tool? All right, I'll show you!
These were my first experiments with this bead roller. Not bad for a beginner.
I made this set today, and I love it! The small beads are just the perfect size for earrings or spacers. The focal is a small one that would be perfect for a pendant. Put them together and you have a great looking bracelet.
Look for this soon in my Etsy store and make sure you visit Donna at CG Beads.
Bead rollers are just great!
Oh man, I covet those beadrollers! Soon as I have some extra $$, I am getting some! Nice beads! It looks like you did a great job with the roller!
very cool! Love the texture!
These are very cool! Thought I'd share with you a simple inexpensive way to get quick ribbed beads without marver etc. My husband is an iron worker and brings me home things I might use in bead making. He brought me a bag of stainless steel nuts of various sizes. While it wouldn't work for all shapes, I found I can get some slick ribbed beads rolling the glass through the inside of the nut turning it as you would the bolt. Stainless steel is expensive yet I think just regular hardware store nuts would work as well. I so appreciate your sharing as I live in a rather remote area & it has really inspired my creativity!
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