I belong to an Etsy street team called Etsy Bloggers Street Team. Each month a different artist is featured. This month, we paid a visit to CREATaTHOUGHT on Etsy. When you visit
CREATEaTHOUGHT's store on etsy, you will find many one of a kind items for recording your thoughts. In her profile, CREATaTHOUGHT says:
Everyday you are creating thoughts. Thoughts that are interesting and beautiful, profound and deep, silly and funny. Whatever your thought style is, they should be recorded.
CREATEaTHOUGHT's mission is to help you do just that. I provide items that fit your personal writing and recording style.
Here's a perfect example of a one of a kind journal provided for recording your thoughts.

Isn't that journal fun and funky?
Not only do you find journals, but you find other great items that are truly unique and impressive.

What a fun and funky ring this is! It's in CREATaTHOUGHT'S store.

Love coffee? How about these resin coffee bean magnets? Guess where you can find these unique magnets.

Last, but not least, it's a mini magnet frame. Wouldn't that look great on your refrigerator! If you want to see more and enjoy a fun tour, be sure to visit CREATEaTHOUGHT on Etsy!