You are in for a treat! Let's go to Patty Lakinsmith's Etsy store, Plays with Fire, to see a few of the fabulous items there! I'll let Patty tell us a little bit about herself as we visit her store.
First, look at this.---------------------------->
Sunny Yellow and Orange Lampwork and Gemstone Amulet
Isn't this amazing? Patty makes beautiful jewelry and beads!
I started out by reading Corina Tettinger’s “Passing the Flame” book from cover to cover, studiously practicing every lesson. I also found friendship and inspiration on the internet through groups such as Wet Canvas’s Technical Glass forum, and Lampwork Etc. (I think she's done really well, don't you?
Look at this!--------------------------->
This is amazing!
Magic Bullet Lampwork Glass Pendant with Trapped Flower and Fine Silver Bail.
Aren't you amazed to see the flower in the bead? Patty is amazing!
After many hours and many beads made at home, I finally felt like I was ready to venture out in public and take some classes at Arrow Springs, a supplier and studio a few hours from my home. I am thrilled to have been able to take classes with some incredible teachers like Jennifer Geldard, Andrea Guarino, Tink Martin, Michael Barley and Trey Cornette, and I’m always trying to expand my skills. And now, instead of feeling fearful, I melt glass to relax.
And look how Patty's work has evolved! These are Meanies. I was priveleged to be able to see them last year at the Bead and Button Show. Patty's meanies were exhibited at the show.
I am most excited about my recent collaboration with metal artist Cyndie Smith, whose organic themes in mixed metals offers the perfect setting for some of my beads, and whose unfettered ideas enable me to play with abandon. Our piece for last year’s ISGB and Bead and Button’s Convergence show was incredibly fun to do, and right now we’re working on a piece for this year’s exhibition.
This piece is called Romantic Floral Lampwork Glass Bead Pendant in Earthy Colors.
Isn't this piece of wearable art amazing!
This year I am experimenting with more “off the end of the mandrel” forms and focusing on making jewelry pieces in coordinated collections. I’m also hoping to write some articles for publication, and explore gallery venues for my work.
Thanks, Patty, for sharing your work with us! I am so impressed!
Incredible work!
Glass beads are so fascinating! I keep thinking I'll take a class - thanks for sharing!!
Adore Patty's work! Her show pieces at Bead and Button were to die for. And the green meanies...I have one. I love it! I need more, the one is lonely because how long he hang with nude goddesses from Germany and Gremlins ala'Peters. A meanie need to breed - like a Gremlin. Send the orphans this way...good home.
Sharon you crack me up!! Thanks for the kind words. The Meanies will be vacationing in Rochester in July...
Thank you for the interview, Mallory. Your energy, thoughtfulness, and never ending enthusiasm are very inspiring.
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