Look what came in the mail for me! Isn't this great? I purchased this from an Etsy store called Big Orange Dog. This necklace is back in the store. You can order one, too! All the proceeds from this store go to the Minnesota Greyhound Rescue (MGR).
Pixie was rescued by this wonderful organization! Thank you, MGR!
Now, let's look at some other items in the Big Orange Dog.

I love this print! The eyes say it all! What a beautiful animal! I see that look in Pixie's eyes, too. Jen captured Crisco so beautifully in this print!

Sunhound! What a perfect name for this painting. The heart of the flower is the hound. I love it!

Look at another part of Jen's heart.
I love the background on this beautiful work of wearable art. Jen is a true artist! Her love of her subject comes through in her work.
Thank you, Jen, for all of your work with the Minnesota Greyhound Rescue I love your store!
Pixie was rescued by this wonderful organization! Thank you, MGR!
Now, let's look at some other items in the Big Orange Dog.

I love this print! The eyes say it all! What a beautiful animal! I see that look in Pixie's eyes, too. Jen captured Crisco so beautifully in this print!

Sunhound! What a perfect name for this painting. The heart of the flower is the hound. I love it!

Look at another part of Jen's heart.
I love the background on this beautiful work of wearable art. Jen is a true artist! Her love of her subject comes through in her work.
Thank you, Jen, for all of your work with the Minnesota Greyhound Rescue I love your store!