Have you ever thought about what some of these sayings from the heart mean?
Agree or disagree?
Have a heart - Be nice! Be kind!
Change of heart - I/s/he changed my mind.
Learn by heart - That is something you need to memorize so you don't ever forget it! I remember this from school.
Broken heart - A great sadness such as a lost love.
Heartfelt - Sincere, deeply sincere
To Have your heart in the right place - to mean well, to think beyond yourself
Cry your heart out - To cry until there are no more tears left to cry
Heavy heart - A great sadness that lingers in your soul
Having your heart set on something or someone - Wanting only that person or thing, no exceptions.
What other heart sayings can you recite? Feel free to leave them in the comment section.
Heart - a pump, but the most important organ in the body!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Shop's Open Again!
I'm home again
my Etsy Store is open again!
Here's a sampling of what's available!
These Nuggets are some of my favorites!
They seem to have an inner glow!
Not exactly a Valentine's Heart, but a tiger's heart for the Wild Woman in you!!!
Ready for spring? Here are some flower buds you might like to use!
Take a peak. You might like what you see!!!
rosebud's lampwork beads,
Sunday, January 29, 2012
I Heart Macro! Entertaining Myself While I'm Sick by Watching the Original Star Trek Reruns on Netflix and Playing with my Hipstamtic App on the IPhone
So, I'm still sick, but I'm better.
When I wasn't sleeping, I watched old Star Trek reruns on Netflix.
I also played with the Hipstamatic App on IPhone.
Here are some "screen" shots of the Enterprise and the Bird of Prey.
The Romulan Bird of Prey
The Enterprise
I love the reflections from the room on this shot of the Enterprise.
The Hipstamtic App adds great colors to the photo.
I love the overlay of colors from the room and the transparency of the glass.
I Heart Macro!
hipstamatic app,
I heart Macro,
star trek
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Life Throws Us All Curve Balls.
Today, as I continue to recover from this infection, I was thinking about how differently January turned out from what I had expected it to be.
Normally, this time of year, we are very cold and full of snow. This year, the weather for January has been exceptionally mild with very little snow. We have had only one night when the temperatures plummeted below zero, and, yes that was cold. Many days in January, in past years, have had actual highs in the below zero digits. That's not uncommon for January in Minnesota. This year, the cold day has been the exception. I'm not complaining about this curve ball!
Normally, the kids are both back at work after the holidays. This month, Nick is traveling for work, and Jenny was in the hospital for over a week with an illness that could have been life threatening. This is not what I had imagined at all. I was hoping that either or both of the kids would be home sometime this month for a few days. Instead, I have spent two weeks with Jenny. One week because she was so ill. One week because I became so ill and am still in the recovery process with her.
Life hasn't turned out as I had expected in January. It's been a month of curve balls for me. How has January been for you?
I have enabled, I hope, anonymous comments if you do not wish to leave your name. I will post, after moderation, as many comments as I can. Let's hear about you. I hope your month has been better than mine. What do you want to say?
Normally, this time of year, we are very cold and full of snow. This year, the weather for January has been exceptionally mild with very little snow. We have had only one night when the temperatures plummeted below zero, and, yes that was cold. Many days in January, in past years, have had actual highs in the below zero digits. That's not uncommon for January in Minnesota. This year, the cold day has been the exception. I'm not complaining about this curve ball!
Normally, the kids are both back at work after the holidays. This month, Nick is traveling for work, and Jenny was in the hospital for over a week with an illness that could have been life threatening. This is not what I had imagined at all. I was hoping that either or both of the kids would be home sometime this month for a few days. Instead, I have spent two weeks with Jenny. One week because she was so ill. One week because I became so ill and am still in the recovery process with her.
Life hasn't turned out as I had expected in January. It's been a month of curve balls for me. How has January been for you?
I have enabled, I hope, anonymous comments if you do not wish to leave your name. I will post, after moderation, as many comments as I can. Let's hear about you. I hope your month has been better than mine. What do you want to say?
Friday, January 27, 2012
Random Thoughts on a Day When My Nose is Still Stuffed but I Feel More Like A Human Being than I Have in Over a Week.
1. This is the heliport at Regions Hospital where Jenny was admitted when she was sick. Do you see the black shadow on the heliport? That's my reflection in the window as I took the photo. I like it. The reflection makes me seem like a giant! It also makes my waist look slender. Even though times get really tough, I have decided that I have to find the good in a situation, even if it's the simple ability to sleep at night.
2. Pixie and the kitties have been good through this ordeal. They are pretty much a pack now. Pixie still has no idea about her size in comparison to the kitties, but Marvin and Walter have learned to move quickly when Pixie runs into their space.
3. I feel like I'm ready to take another nap. I don't recall sleeping this much in a very long time. Sleep seems to creep into my thoughts a lot lately. Maybe I need to take care of my sleep habits more? Not sure. I try, but right now, I don't seem to have any choice.
4. Have I ever mentioned how much I love Pixie? She's really the perfect dog for this time in my life. Spike could never have endured this ordeal like Pixie has. He was too full of energy, and he didn't like anyone else taking up my time. He was also very protective of me, that is, after he barked then hid behind me. Spike and kitties would not have ever gotten along. I'm glad I have Pixie right now.
5. My winter plans for repairs around the house have been stalled. Things that I had hoped to be finished with by now haven't even been started. Oh, well, I just hope I have the energy to get through all this. My energy gets zapped so easily anymore. It's hard to divide yourself into so many pieces and expect to function as you used to be able to do when you were younger. Right now, I'm tired. I don't plan to do much today. Wish I had more energy, but that will come back soon, I hope.
2. Pixie and the kitties have been good through this ordeal. They are pretty much a pack now. Pixie still has no idea about her size in comparison to the kitties, but Marvin and Walter have learned to move quickly when Pixie runs into their space.
3. I feel like I'm ready to take another nap. I don't recall sleeping this much in a very long time. Sleep seems to creep into my thoughts a lot lately. Maybe I need to take care of my sleep habits more? Not sure. I try, but right now, I don't seem to have any choice.
4. Have I ever mentioned how much I love Pixie? She's really the perfect dog for this time in my life. Spike could never have endured this ordeal like Pixie has. He was too full of energy, and he didn't like anyone else taking up my time. He was also very protective of me, that is, after he barked then hid behind me. Spike and kitties would not have ever gotten along. I'm glad I have Pixie right now.
5. My winter plans for repairs around the house have been stalled. Things that I had hoped to be finished with by now haven't even been started. Oh, well, I just hope I have the energy to get through all this. My energy gets zapped so easily anymore. It's hard to divide yourself into so many pieces and expect to function as you used to be able to do when you were younger. Right now, I'm tired. I don't plan to do much today. Wish I had more energy, but that will come back soon, I hope.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Tips for Staying Healthy During the Cold and Flu Season
As I researched how to stay healthy during cold and flu season, a bit late for me, I found one theme kept coming up, no matter which site I was visiting. That is the theme of: Proper Hand Washing.
The other tips were pretty much standard:
1) Get enough rest.
2) Eat Properly.
3) Exercise.
I think we are all familiar with these as they fit into a healthy life style no matter what time of year it is.
Of course, the issue of hand washing is very important, too, since we all carry germs on our hands. There is a proper way to wash your hands. Sometimes, you might just stick your hands under running water and hope that this oblation takes care of the germs on your hands. Stop! No, it doesn't! That is a simple rinse that you might want to use just to get a bit of the grime off before you really wash your hands. I've actually seen doctors and nurses do this. However, to properly wash your hands you must use soap, water, and time. Yes, time, that is of the utmost importance to get the germs off your hands.
To properly wash your hands, begin by running your hands under water to wet them. Using a bar of soap or liquid soap as I do, lather your hands, back and front, and scrub them outside the stream of water for 20 seconds. This might be very hard on the little ones, but you might get them to sing a nursery rhyme or a song like Happy Birthday. That will take care of the time factor. After scrubbing your hands outside the stream of water, put your hands under the water and rinse, both back and front sides of your hands. Dry with a clean towel.
That should take care of it. You will have clean hands.
When you can't wash your hands properly, or you want to ensure your hands are clean, follow the wash with a hand sanitizer. You can purchase these at almost any store now in the carry on size or the gigantic bottles! If you like, you can even make your own. Here's a recipe for making your own hand sanitizer that I found on about. come.
I'm still down with a nasty infection. I wish I didn't have it. Perhaps if I had kept my hands more clean, I wouldn't be sick. However, life happens, but there are ways to make it better for you. I hope this helps. See you soon with beads, I hope!
The other tips were pretty much standard:
1) Get enough rest.
2) Eat Properly.
3) Exercise.
I think we are all familiar with these as they fit into a healthy life style no matter what time of year it is.
Of course, the issue of hand washing is very important, too, since we all carry germs on our hands. There is a proper way to wash your hands. Sometimes, you might just stick your hands under running water and hope that this oblation takes care of the germs on your hands. Stop! No, it doesn't! That is a simple rinse that you might want to use just to get a bit of the grime off before you really wash your hands. I've actually seen doctors and nurses do this. However, to properly wash your hands you must use soap, water, and time. Yes, time, that is of the utmost importance to get the germs off your hands.
To properly wash your hands, begin by running your hands under water to wet them. Using a bar of soap or liquid soap as I do, lather your hands, back and front, and scrub them outside the stream of water for 20 seconds. This might be very hard on the little ones, but you might get them to sing a nursery rhyme or a song like Happy Birthday. That will take care of the time factor. After scrubbing your hands outside the stream of water, put your hands under the water and rinse, both back and front sides of your hands. Dry with a clean towel.
That should take care of it. You will have clean hands.
When you can't wash your hands properly, or you want to ensure your hands are clean, follow the wash with a hand sanitizer. You can purchase these at almost any store now in the carry on size or the gigantic bottles! If you like, you can even make your own. Here's a recipe for making your own hand sanitizer that I found on about. come.
I'm still down with a nasty infection. I wish I didn't have it. Perhaps if I had kept my hands more clean, I wouldn't be sick. However, life happens, but there are ways to make it better for you. I hope this helps. See you soon with beads, I hope!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
On being sick and popcorn for breakfast

This is not fun, being sick, that is. It's not life threatening, I know that, but when you feel as if your head will implode, yet, the animals don't care and hog the bed, and knowing that I have to take Pixie out for her morning walk on icy sidewalks, risking life and limb, well, this just doesn't make for the start of a great day.
So, walk is completed with no falls or broken bones. Yahoo~~ The fresh air cleared my head a bit so it no longer feels like an implosion is near. Yes, Pixie is still hogging the bed. Walter has gone back to Jenny's bed so I have a bit of room. I'm hungry now, but there's not much to eat. Clearly we need to go to the store, but I think I'd rather starve than go out again.
I tried to open the pumpkin seeds, but that takes more strength than I have right now. The Monster Mix is almost gone. I glaze through Jenny's cabinets in search of food. The popcorn catches my eye. There is also one Diet Coke left. Food! Wonderful comfort food!
When my children were small, would I have allowed them to have popcorn and Diet Coke for breakfast? Absolutely not! But now I'm older, and I don't care if they do. This is good stuff when you're hungry. It's full of chemicals and such, but for now, I don't care. It tastes good.
I eat and wait for Walter, Jenny's cat, to come and beg for some popcorn. It's one of his favorite treats. He also likes to steal my diet coke when he can. Pixie is growling in her sleep. She only likes popcorn if it has butter on it. No problems with her. I guess I have enough food in me to take my medications. Then it's back to bed for a nap.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Monday, January 23, 2012
Hospital Art
I don't know what it's like in other places,
but one thing I have found,
with the exception of one major hospital in this area,
that art, works of art, are on display, for all to enjoy.
Regions Hospital,
where Jenny was when she was sick,
and, yes, she is home now recovering,
had some beautiful works of art.
I didn't cover all of them.
on the first floor and the 6th floor, I found some lovely art.
Follow me along this quick path.
I love this statue with its living art.
These living sculptures surrounded the statue.
I love the detail in these flowers.
Ceramic Stones
Even lights and their arrangements.
Hospital art!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Three Beautiful Things This Week
Three Beautiful Things This Week was inspired by a wonderful blog that Clare writes called Three Beautiful Things. Everyday, Clare writes about 3 Beautiful Things that happen each day in her life. It's a wonderful blog! I can only hope to imitate her in a very small way.
1) This has been a very rough week! Jenny has been in the hospital since last Sunday with pneumonia and an intestinal bacteria that she picked up in the hospital. Finding the beauty in this week has been difficult, but there are things.
Even though Jenny's white count plunged into the dangerous range, with a single shot, the doctor's were able to raise her white count to a higher level that was no longer life threatening. Whew!
2) Barring a set back, if Jenny feels good today and her labs are still good, she will be able to come home today. I know two kitties who are going to be very excited to see their "Mom," that is, after they ignore her for a bit to show her that she shouldn't leave them in my care for any length of time.
3) During this crisis, Jenny, Nick and I received phenomenal support from our online families! What a treasure these people are. Some of them we've never met, others we know, some we've met in passing, but they are still our family, and we are so grateful to know them and have them in our lives.
1) This has been a very rough week! Jenny has been in the hospital since last Sunday with pneumonia and an intestinal bacteria that she picked up in the hospital. Finding the beauty in this week has been difficult, but there are things.
Even though Jenny's white count plunged into the dangerous range, with a single shot, the doctor's were able to raise her white count to a higher level that was no longer life threatening. Whew!
2) Barring a set back, if Jenny feels good today and her labs are still good, she will be able to come home today. I know two kitties who are going to be very excited to see their "Mom," that is, after they ignore her for a bit to show her that she shouldn't leave them in my care for any length of time.
3) During this crisis, Jenny, Nick and I received phenomenal support from our online families! What a treasure these people are. Some of them we've never met, others we know, some we've met in passing, but they are still our family, and we are so grateful to know them and have them in our lives.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
At times like this, I appreciate social media even more than I did before.

People do have many legitimate complaints about the use of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. I spend a lot of time on Facebook. I have "met" many people from around the world on Facebook, and I have developed many real friendships there.
I started using Facebook as a means of showing my beads and jewelry. Now, I find I do that less and less. Instead,I join in a surprisingly long discussions about using avocados on a BLT sandwich or where to find the best toilet paper. These diversions are invaluable to me now.
I am sitting in Jenny's hospital room watching her sleep as she recovers from pneumonia and an intestinal bacteria she contracted while in the hospital. She's been so sick!
Without the use of social media, and the immense support I have found on these sites while I sit and wait for the doctors to go in and out, my days would have been spent in great sorrow passing the hours and counting the minutes.
Yes, there are legitimate concerns about the environments of some social media sites, but, now, to "know" the people that I know and have the friends I have, well, I'm not sure how well I could survive these crises of health. I'm grateful for places like Facebook. They really help!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Waiting for Things to Turn Around aka Cancer Sucks!
No arguments here: Cancer Sucks! Jenny has been ill lately. These are the side effects of a cold. She developed pneumonia and then picked up a terrible stomach bacteria IN the hospital. She was so very ill! On the plus side, medical advances have made battling the diseases a reality. On the negative side, these advances have been so hard on Jenny's body. We are hoping that she will be home either today or tomorrow, but that depends on how she continues to respond to her medical treatments. Cancer sucks, but Team Jenny is rooting for her!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Playing While I Wait for the Doctor, and, it's to test out this program to see if it works!
I found a new program yesterday, and it seems like it might be fun to use. It's called Photo Studio HD. With it you can change your photos using a different filter or effect just by pressing a button. In case you're wondering what this is in this photo, it's my laptop. I had to duct tape it together. The young man who was repairing it, broke it. The parts aren't in, so in order to use it, I have to duct tape it together. :) There may be more later as I play with the program. I just wanted to make sure it works.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Monday, January 16, 2012
Don't Worry It's just a cold
To an immune compromised person, a "cold" could mean time in a hospital or worse.
For the last two days, I have been with my daughter who was admitted to the hospital with what started out as "just a cold." She is immune suppressed. She developed pneumonia. She has been and still is very, very sick. It was just a cold.
Granted, she could have picked it up anywhere because it was "just a cold." The person who sneezed then didn't wash their hands or who didn't sneeze into their arms or a kleenex, thought it was "just a cold." They went to work, or they sent their child to school because it was "just a cold."
When you are immune suppressed, "just a cold" can become very dangerous. My daughter is lucky. She is getting better, but because she caught "just a cold," she lost days of work, which she didn't need to loose. She has more medical and hospital bills because she caught "just a cold." She feels terrible because it was "just a cold" that someone somewhere gave her.
I am upset about this. "Just a cold" can be very dangerous. So, please, please, if you catch "just a cold," stay home so that you don't spread your germs. If you must go out, please wash your hands before you touch anything. Above all, and I can't believe how many times I see this, PLEASE COVER YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE WHEN YOU COUGH OR SNEEZE! It's just a cold, " tell that to the immune suppressed person who is sick in the hospital. Remember, it's just a cold.
For the last two days, I have been with my daughter who was admitted to the hospital with what started out as "just a cold." She is immune suppressed. She developed pneumonia. She has been and still is very, very sick. It was just a cold.
Granted, she could have picked it up anywhere because it was "just a cold." The person who sneezed then didn't wash their hands or who didn't sneeze into their arms or a kleenex, thought it was "just a cold." They went to work, or they sent their child to school because it was "just a cold."
When you are immune suppressed, "just a cold" can become very dangerous. My daughter is lucky. She is getting better, but because she caught "just a cold," she lost days of work, which she didn't need to loose. She has more medical and hospital bills because she caught "just a cold." She feels terrible because it was "just a cold" that someone somewhere gave her.
I am upset about this. "Just a cold" can be very dangerous. So, please, please, if you catch "just a cold," stay home so that you don't spread your germs. If you must go out, please wash your hands before you touch anything. Above all, and I can't believe how many times I see this, PLEASE COVER YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE WHEN YOU COUGH OR SNEEZE! It's just a cold, " tell that to the immune suppressed person who is sick in the hospital. Remember, it's just a cold.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
I Heart Macro! A Snowy Day
A small amount of snow can change the world in an hour.
Little critters go for a walk.
It looks like a raccoon to me!
See the pointy little nails?
Even the bushes look a little bit different.
The rose hips look very pretty!
Rocks and stones are slightly hidden.
I heart Macro!!!!!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
So, What's New? This That and the Other
If you read Friday's Post,
then you already know this.
See this magazine?
Turn to page 14.
Yup! Those are my headpins!!!!
Thanks, Pam!
I also learned to make hoop style earrings!
I've been trying to make hoops for several years!
I've been hoop impaired.
Today, it worked!
Not bad for a good week, is it?
Friday, January 13, 2012
Three Beautiful Things This Week
Three Beautiful Things This Week was inspired by a wonderful blog that Clare writes called Three Beautiful Things. Everyday, Clare writes about 3 Beautiful Things that happen each day in her life. It's a wonderful blog! I can only hope to imitate her in a very small way.
1) The new issue of Bead Design Studio came yesterday, and my headpins are featured on page 14! That was a surprise and a thrill when I saw them there!!!! Thanks, Pam!
2) Sister Alene and I had lunch yesterday! It's always so great to get together with her! She's such a sweetie. Our server, a young man, came up and gave her a hug as we were leaving! I love having lunch with her.
3) Pixie had a dream this week while she was sleeping. She was wagging her tail! I had never seen her do that before while she slept! I was so happy! She was having a good dream!
1) The new issue of Bead Design Studio came yesterday, and my headpins are featured on page 14! That was a surprise and a thrill when I saw them there!!!! Thanks, Pam!
2) Sister Alene and I had lunch yesterday! It's always so great to get together with her! She's such a sweetie. Our server, a young man, came up and gave her a hug as we were leaving! I love having lunch with her.
3) Pixie had a dream this week while she was sleeping. She was wagging her tail! I had never seen her do that before while she slept! I was so happy! She was having a good dream!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
I've made 3 hearts like this.
Each one is stuck on the mandrel.
I don't know why.
I like them, too!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
It's not half baked yet! Wait! It's not even baked yet. I switched gears for fun!
Just a slight change of pace, and if they turn out good enough after baking,
I'll put them in my Etsy store.
I really do like these!
Spiral Twist Pendant
Pearl Heart
Floral Heart
Check back later to see if these focals made the cut, I mean, the bake!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Playing with a New IPhone App and Having Fun!
Yesterday I downloaded an IPhone App called
Snap & Sketch.
I have been enjoying this app A LOT!!!
What this app does is to take a photo in your library that you choose and turn that photo into a sketch.
You options are:
Pencil, Charcoal, or Crayon.
Take a look at what I did with this new app.
It's Pixie drinking water.
Now, here are 3 changes to the same photo of Jenny and Nick.
This is the pencil sketch.
This is the crayon sketch.
This is the charcoal sketch.
I think I like the crayon sketches the best.
Here's my favorite!
I think that speaks for itself!!!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Well, Lampwork Beads are so Expensive unless you buy them from a company. Why should I buy handmade lampwork beads? Here are twenty reasons.
Even if I didn’t make lampwork beads, I would seek out, buy, and use them from artists as collectibles, jewelry, gifts. Here's why.
1.) Glass begs to be touched therefore, lampwork beads beg to be touched.
2) Glass can be shaped and formed in an endless variety of sizes and shapes.
3) The beauty of glass in the sun cannot be compared.
4) Realistic looking flowers can be encased in the glass making you believe they are real.
5) Silver wire can be added to a bead as decoration. Think about that when you see those beautiful droplets of silver.
6) Beads can be made from extremely tiny and detailed, to very large and detailed.
7) When properly annealed, glass beads will last for centuries, literally.
8) Lampwork beads can be strung on beading wire, leather, metal wire, Euro style bracelets and look great!
9) Lampwork beads can be combined with other types of beads, but they will be the beads that are noticed.
10) Lampwork beads are handmade, individually, by the artist.
11) When you buy an artisan handmade lampwork bead, you are supporting the arts and encouraging artists to push themselves and improve the quality and type of lampwork bead that they make.
12) Bead artists put time, effort, and talent into each bead they make.
13) Bead artists don’t accidentally make beads. They make beads because the love the medium, the techniques, and the heart of each bead.
14) Making lampwork beads is very difficult. Most lampwork bead artists take a life time to perfect their art. This is an ongoing process that requires time, money, classes, and a lot of glass to perfect your skills.
15) One of the most common phrases used in lampwork bead making is “practice, practice, practice,” and it’s true!
16) No matter how skilled the artist is, there will be “failures” when making lampwork beads. These failures do not stop the artisan from continuing. Their continued work improves their skills.
17) To become skilled in lampwork bead making does not take hours or even days to learn. In order to become skilled, a lamp worker must work months or even years to make certain types of beads. It took me two years to learn to make a particular style of bead. Even then, it wasn’t perfect. I had just mastered the technique and not the skill.
18) Learning how much you do not know, when making lampwork glass beads, is as important a part of the process as knowing what you can make.
19) To be a successful lampwork glass bead artist, you must not only know how to manipulate the glass in the flame, but you must learn what each type of glass does when it is in the flame and how it reacts with other glasses.
20) Learning to make lampwork glass beads is a process that must be repeated over and over and over again. Artisan made beads aren’t mass produced in factories.
1.) Glass begs to be touched therefore, lampwork beads beg to be touched.
2) Glass can be shaped and formed in an endless variety of sizes and shapes.
3) The beauty of glass in the sun cannot be compared.
4) Realistic looking flowers can be encased in the glass making you believe they are real.
5) Silver wire can be added to a bead as decoration. Think about that when you see those beautiful droplets of silver.
6) Beads can be made from extremely tiny and detailed, to very large and detailed.
7) When properly annealed, glass beads will last for centuries, literally.
8) Lampwork beads can be strung on beading wire, leather, metal wire, Euro style bracelets and look great!
9) Lampwork beads can be combined with other types of beads, but they will be the beads that are noticed.
10) Lampwork beads are handmade, individually, by the artist.
11) When you buy an artisan handmade lampwork bead, you are supporting the arts and encouraging artists to push themselves and improve the quality and type of lampwork bead that they make.
12) Bead artists put time, effort, and talent into each bead they make.
13) Bead artists don’t accidentally make beads. They make beads because the love the medium, the techniques, and the heart of each bead.
14) Making lampwork beads is very difficult. Most lampwork bead artists take a life time to perfect their art. This is an ongoing process that requires time, money, classes, and a lot of glass to perfect your skills.
15) One of the most common phrases used in lampwork bead making is “practice, practice, practice,” and it’s true!
16) No matter how skilled the artist is, there will be “failures” when making lampwork beads. These failures do not stop the artisan from continuing. Their continued work improves their skills.
17) To become skilled in lampwork bead making does not take hours or even days to learn. In order to become skilled, a lamp worker must work months or even years to make certain types of beads. It took me two years to learn to make a particular style of bead. Even then, it wasn’t perfect. I had just mastered the technique and not the skill.
18) Learning how much you do not know, when making lampwork glass beads, is as important a part of the process as knowing what you can make.
19) To be a successful lampwork glass bead artist, you must not only know how to manipulate the glass in the flame, but you must learn what each type of glass does when it is in the flame and how it reacts with other glasses.
20) Learning to make lampwork glass beads is a process that must be repeated over and over and over again. Artisan made beads aren’t mass produced in factories.
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