Write in my gratitude journal almost everyday
Appreciate my blessings
Miss a step
Break a bone in my foot
Sprain my ankle
Learn to appreciate the kindnesses of the friends who helped me
Celebrate the joys of my life
Shampoo my carpet
Clean my house
Write more
Blog daily
Drive in an air cast
Reconnect with a dear friend
Learn that I could do it
Crochet the components for a free stye shawl
Decide to become a cantor at church
Remind myself that things could be worse
Read a couple of books
Make a new friend in the blogging world
Participate in a fun charm blog hop
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Three Beautiful Things This Week
Three Beautiful Things This Week was inspired by a wonderful blog that Three Beautiful Things. Everyday,
Clare writes about 3 Beautiful
Things that
happen each day
in her life. It's a wonderful
blog! I can
only hope to
imitate her in a very small
1) The kids are home!!! How nice is that!
2) Thanksgiving was fun!
It's always good to gather with our extended family.
3) My foot is feeling better!
1) The kids are home!!! How nice is that!
2) Thanksgiving was fun!
It's always good to gather with our extended family.
3) My foot is feeling better!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Thank you all for this past year!!! Here's a free, easy peasy fiber bead tutorial to say: THANK YOU!
Fiber beads are quick and easy to make.
They make great beads for earrings because they are very lightweight.
Not, only that, you can make them look plain and simple or very elegant.
Here's how.
Here's what you need.
4" craft wire cut into two 2 inch pieces
round nose or rosary pliers
nylon jaw pliers
wire cutters
2 yards yarn cut into one yard segments
clear tacky glue
4" craft wire cut into two 2 inch pieces
round nose or rosary pliers
nylon jaw pliers
wire cutters
2 yards yarn cut into one yard segments
clear tacky glue
1) Using your nylon jaw pliers, straighten your wire before cutting it.
2) Cut your wire into 2 pieces of wire 2" long.
3) Make two eye pins with your wire.
4) Cut the fiber into two lengths of 1 yard each. If you use fabric, you would probably use less in terms of yardage.
5) Add a small drop of glue to your wire.
6) Make a small tail on your wire and wrap the fiber over and around the tail covering the glue.
7) Going up and down the wire, wrap your fiber on the wire.
8) Add a small drop of glue to the tail of the fiber to hold it in place.
9) Let the glue dry.
10) Add ear wires for earrings or make more beads for a necklace or bracelet.
Easy Peasy!!!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Why I like Bead Artists Who Really Make Their Own Beads, in other words, BUY TRULY HANDMADE THIS SEASON! Part 3!
More artists who are truly handmade artists!
Maren Purves of Hilo Beads makes beautiful jewelry and sells seeds.
Click HERE to see the bracelet.
Click HERE to see Maren's Etsy store.
Click HERE to go to Maren's website.
Click HERE to visit Maren's blog.
Click HERE for Maren's Artfire store.
Click HERE for Maren's Zibbit store.
Click HERE to find Maren on Ebay.
Click HERE for Maren's Artfire store.
Click HERE for Maren's Zibbit store.
Click HERE to find Maren on Ebay.
Heather Behrendt makes some amazing lampwork beads!
To see this bead
To visit Heather's Etsy Store, CLICK HERE.
To visit Heather's blog,
Ema Kilroy of Ema K Designs on Etsy makes beautiful beads, too.
To see this bead,
To visit Ema's Etsy store,
To visit Ema's web site,
Truly handmade artists! Enjoy!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Making Discs!
It doesn't seem to matter,
glass or polymer clay,
I. Love. To. Make. Discs!
I find the process,
and it's different in glass and polymer clay,
to be absolutely relaxing.
So, with my elevated, I made discs in polymer clay.
I seem to be leaning towards the organic look, but, after I made a necklace and earrings with some of these discs,
I plan to send the rest to
They have jewelry making days there!
So, take a look at these.
When I make my jewelry,
I'll show you what it looks like.
once I get my foot out of this air cast, I'll go back to making some glass beads, too.
This is also called "using up scrap clay!"
I love the results!
See you later!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Three Beautiful Things This Week
Three Beautiful Things This Week was inspired by a wonderful blog that Three Beautiful Things. Everyday,
Clare writes about 3 Beautiful
Things that
happen each day
in her life. It's a wonderful
blog! I can
only hope to
imitate her in a very small
1) I was able to see my chiropractor today. It was nice to be treated!
2) Slowly, but surely, my creativity seems to be returning after a very long hiatus.
3) Pixie made me laugh today with her stubbornness! She has no idea how much fun she really is!
1) I was able to see my chiropractor today. It was nice to be treated!
2) Slowly, but surely, my creativity seems to be returning after a very long hiatus.
3) Pixie made me laugh today with her stubbornness! She has no idea how much fun she really is!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Why I like Bead Artists Who Really Make Their Own Beads, in other words, BUY TRULY HANDMADE THIS SEASON! Part 2!
You're going to love the artists featured today!
Manuela's art only seems to get better and better! I love this bead!
To find the Cheeky Angel,
To visit Manuela's store
To visit Manuela's blog
There is some amazing work to see in Manuela's shop! Wow! I'm a Manuela groupie!
Donna from Prima Donna Beads made this amazing bead!
For the link to this bead
For the link to Donna's etsy store
Donna is also the owner of the The Mandrel.
For that link
For Donna's blog and website:
From Irene of Flame Kissed Glass.
For the link to this set of beads
For the link to Flame Kissed Glass
Irene also makes some
AMAZING bead release.
For the link to that bead release
Aren't these artists AMAZING? Wow! Like I said, no factory made here. It's only handmade!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Interesting Photos
You might not know this about me, but I love to take photos of the sky.
I have a lot of them.
They are interesting.
I usually find the "interesting" things after I take them.
For example,
look at these there photos.
Watch the light in the sky.
I didn't move.
I just took three pictures in a row.
See that light at the top left screen?
Now watch it.
These photos were taken in the afternoon.
I don't remember the exact time.
The orb has moved.
What do you think?
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Why I like Bead Artists Who Really Make Their Own Beads, in other words, BUY TRULY HANDMADE THIS SEASON!
More great work by artists who are truly handmade.
Who's hiding in those leaves, Annette?
Here's a link to the puppies hiding in the leaves.
For a link Annette's etsy store, Dreams in the sand,
Isn't this bead beautiful?
Debbie Altman of All My Beads made it!
Here's the link for the bead.
To find Debbie's shop
To read Debbie's blog
This pendant is from
Glass Dreams Hawaii.
To this beautiful pendant
To visit Diane's store
Check back on Thursday to see more artists who really do make their own beads.
Also, I have page here on my blog that will give you links to artists whose work is truly handmade!
Here's a link to the puppies hiding in the leaves.
For a link Annette's etsy store, Dreams in the sand,
Isn't this bead beautiful?
Debbie Altman of All My Beads made it!
Here's the link for the bead.
To find Debbie's shop
To read Debbie's blog
This pendant is from
Glass Dreams Hawaii.
To this beautiful pendant
To visit Diane's store
Check back on Thursday to see more artists who really do make their own beads.
Also, I have page here on my blog that will give you links to artists whose work is truly handmade!
Monday, November 18, 2013
What I learned from My Hiatus from Melting Glass
It's been a long time since I have been able to go down to the studio and melt glass. I stopped because I was empty and had no joy when making beads. When I went down to melt glass yesterday, there was dust on my torch! As you can see from the photo, my desk is a mess! I didn't even stop to dust or clean up the mess. I just started to melt glass! It felt good! So, here's what I learned from my first torch session in months!
1) I love to melt glass!
2) Glass flows and with it flows creativity.
3) Beads are an art form unto themselves.
4) Beads of Courage can always use beads, even if they are a bit wonky!
5) Melting glass feels great!
6) Glass is an obsession unto itself!
7) If I had more room, I'd buy more glass.
8) Even a lava light cannot make me feel as good as when I melt glass.
9) The Beads of Courage kids like beads!
10) I missed melting glass!
1) I love to melt glass!
2) Glass flows and with it flows creativity.
3) Beads are an art form unto themselves.
4) Beads of Courage can always use beads, even if they are a bit wonky!
5) Melting glass feels great!
6) Glass is an obsession unto itself!
7) If I had more room, I'd buy more glass.
8) Even a lava light cannot make me feel as good as when I melt glass.
9) The Beads of Courage kids like beads!
10) I missed melting glass!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
Woooo Hoooo! Art Charm Blog Reveal and Auction for Beads of Courage! Thank you, Jennifer Cameron!
I was so excited when the box of charms arrived! I ripped open the box with my bare hands. Jennifer Cameron hosts a charms exchange each year. We make charms, exchange charms, and Jennifer hosts an auction on Ebay for our charms! The monies raised in this auction go to Beads of Courage! Thank you, Jen!
Each charm will sell for a flat rate of $20. Remember, all the proceeds from this auction will go to Beads of Courage!!!!! Again, thank you, Jennifer!
I'd like to show you the charms that I received.
Are these nummy or what?
And, there's more!
I love these, too!!!!
Like WOW!!!
Aren't these great?
Now, you might want to see my charm.
Here it is!
I love the city!!
Now, since this is a blog hop. Check out the rest of the people who made charms for this exchange and auction.
Jen Cameron: http://glassaddictions.com/blog/
Toltec Jewels: http://www.jewelschoolfriends.com
Vanessa Gilkes: http://culturezine.com/blog/
Caroline Dewison: http://blueberribeads.co.uk
LesleyWatt http://www.thegossipinggoddess.blogspot.com
Susan Kennedy: http://www.suebeads.blogspot.com
Nancy Dale : http://www.nedbeads.blogspot.com
Alicia Marinache: http://www.allprettythings.ca
Cassi Paslick: http://cassisbeads.blogspot.com
Alenka Obid: http://www.pepita-handmade.blogspot.com
Renetha Stanziano: http://www.lamplightcrafts.blogspot.com
Shelley Graham Turner: http://www.shelleygrahamturner.blogspot.com/
Monique Urquhart: http://ahalfbakednotion.blogspot.com
Shai Williams: http://shaihasramblings.blogspot.com
Lennis Carter: http://windbent.wordpress.com
Cheri Reed: http://creativedesignsbycheri.blogspot.com
Moriah Betterly: http://mlbetterly.blogspot.com
Perri Jackson: http://shaktipajdesigns.com/blog/
Mallory Hoffman: http://rosebud101-fortheloveofbeads.blogspot.com
Ginger Bishop: http://lilmummylikes.blogspot.com
Jean Peter: http://jeanpdesigns.blogspot.com
Linda Florian: http://lilysofthevalleyjewelry.blogspot.com
Patricia Pulliam: http://rusticstudio.blogspot.com
Karin Grosset Grange: http://ginkgoetcoquelicot.blogspot.fr
Julie Bowen: http://blog.autochthonous-evolved.com
Susan Delaney: http://ladyflowersbysusan.wordpress.com
Emma Todd: http://www.apolymerpenchant.blogspot.com
Carolyn Chenault : http://carolynchenault.wordpress.com
Terri Del Signore: http://artisticaos.blogspot.com
Cory Tompkins: http://www.tealwaterdesigns.blogspot.com
Cheryl (Lee) Koopman: http://stregajewellry.wordpress.com
Lori Bowring Michaud: http://artfullyornamental.blogspot.com
Andrea Glick: http://zenithjade.blogspot.com
Jacqueline Carlson: http://www.beadgypsy.blogspot.com
Michelle McCarthy: http://www.fireflydesignstudio.blogspot.com
Charlene Bausinger Jacka: http://clay-space.com/blog/
Kristi Bowman: http://dreamsomedesigns.blogspot.com
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Why I like Bead Artists Who Really Make Their Own Beads, in other words, BUY TRULY HANDMADE THIS SEASON! Part 2!
Let me give you some examples of handcrafted art!
Candice makes some amazing dread beads. She also works in polymer clay. Take a look at her polymer clay cuff bracelets! Wow! I wish I could make them like she does!
Here's the link to this bead.
Here's the link to Candice's Etsy Store.
Laurie Ament makes great beads, too! Look at this fish.
Here's the link to her fish.
Take a look at her Etsy Store.
Here's the link.
You can also find her on Facebook.
As if Laurie weren't busy enough, she's the advertising sales person for the Glass Bead Evolution Magazine for the ISGB. If you would like to advertise, and it's a great magazine, here's her email address: sales@isgb.org
This bead was made by Gay Massender. I love it! She used a reverse painting method on the bead!
Here's a link to the bead.
Here's a link to her Etsy store!
I guarantee that these artist are truly handmade artists! Have no fear Christmas shopping in their Etsy stores!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Easy, Peasy Way to Make Earring Cards Tutorial
The show is getting closer and closer.
Now, I need earring cards.
Here's what I did.
I used an old piece of wood, some mailing tags, paper clips, and my dremel with a drill bit. I think it was the 3/32" size of bit.
I put the paper clips in the places where I would want the holes for the earring cards.
I used the paper clips as a guide for placing the holes.
I was just using my eyes.
You can measure exactly where you want the holes.
I clipped 5 cards together with the paper clips.
Then, using the wood as my base, I drilled holes in the cards.
See what I mean?
Easy peasy!!!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Why I like Bead Artists Who Really Make Their Own Beads, in other words, BUY TRULY HANDMADE THIS SEASON!
Let me just give you some examples.
Nikki makes the greatest lizards and, of course, her sheep!
Here's the link to Nikki's shop.
Here's the link to the lizard.
Lauren makes Dinos for Diabetes. The proceeds from these Dinos go to the Diabetes Research Institute.
Aren't lampworkers great people?
Here's the link for this dino.
Here's the link for Maybeads on Etsy.
Then there's Marcy of Studio Marcy on Etsy.
I love her great glass sculptures!
Here's the link to Studio Marcy on Etsy.
Here's the Link to She Dreams of Being outside.
Aren't they great! Shop Handmade! There really are stores on Etsy that do feature HANDMADE! I can guarantee these gals make their own bead!
Shop Handmade on Etsy for reals!
The Best Treasury EVER!!!!!
The Best Treasury Ever
It's a Puzzle.
to see it.
Edited to add:
The link no longer works.
Etsy must have shut down the treasury.
Edited to add:
The link no longer works.
Etsy must have shut down the treasury.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
Three Beautiful Things This Week
Three Beautiful Things This Week was inspired by a wonderful blog that Three Beautiful Things. Everyday,
Clare writes about 3 Beautiful
Things that
happen each day
in her life. It's a wonderful
blog! I can
only hope to
imitate her in a very small
1) Even on a gloomy day, there is a reason to smile.
2) My foot is looking better every day! I certainly can't complain about that!
3) Progress is being made when getting ready for the show! Yes!
1) Even on a gloomy day, there is a reason to smile.
2) My foot is looking better every day! I certainly can't complain about that!
3) Progress is being made when getting ready for the show! Yes!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Getting Ready for a Show
It's that time of year again.
I only do one show a year now.
That's plenty.
So, today, I pulled out the beads and made..........
More earrings.
Then inventory.
Then organize.
Then, get ready for Thanksgiving!
Step by Step
we get there!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
New Treasury on Etsy
This has been an issue on Etsy for a long time now. I think the statement, "Handmade Has Died on Etsy," bears some thought. Etsy's policies on what is handmade have changed. Now, a design idea qualifies for handmade even if the materials and skills to make a product are outsourced and factory made. Importers reign on Etsy now from handmade glass beads,
to necklaces as shown in the treasury. What to do?
I would ask you that, with the holiday season rushing in on us, to as sure as you possibly can that any product you buy be handmade. What are some of the clues to search for?
When someone states that they are a store with employees or family members who help to make said product, question that. There are some stores that are still handmade who do have a true family business. Just be careful.
Look at the product. Would it be reasonable for a 110 pound woman to handle and put together the product, such as furniture, that is being shown as handmade. Sometimes, it is.
Check to see if there are, like in the treasury, many of the identical products in other stores. Most likely, it's imported.
Check the price. When you see handmade lampwork beads in strands selling for $3.99. I'd stay away from them. Most likely, they are imported.
Etsy has condoned it. Why? Importers bring in a great deal of money for Etsy. That might be part of it. Maybe they made a mistake and didn't screen enough stores? Maybe. Maybe they are just tired of dealing with all the complaints? Maybe. All of the above? Maybe.
I've been letting many of my items expire in my store. I'm tired of paying the relisting fees to Etsy when I have to compete against the importers. I'll probably keep a small presence on Etsy, but I don't think I'll keep as many products in my store as before. I will also be offering a diverse product line from soaps to jewelry to handmade glass beads. What's a girl to do? I'm tired of it.
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