I honestly think the trouble started last night. I was chatting with my kiwi friend, Deb, when I disappeared from her screen on Skype. I noticed my messages weren't going through, so I waited and tried again. It worked. As we chatted a bit more, the same thing happened. It seemed like everything went down on my side of the world, and I just assumed I was tired, and shut the computer down. When I woke up this morning, I turned on the computer and tried to download my email. What? No email today? I thought it was my side of the world again, so I plugged and unplugged and did what I was supposed to do before I called my cable company. When I finally got through to them, I heard a recording say, "We are aware of a power outage in your area. We have dispatched technicians to repair it. Would you like a phone call when your internet connection is repaired?" At that point I hung up. Knowing past history, when I have requested a call, I never received one. I went downstairs and lit up my torch. (I have to get beads into this blog somehow!) After torching, I came back upstairs. Still NOTHING! This time I called the company and when the "robot" came on, I kept pressing zero until I was able to speak with a HUMAN technician. He asked me where I was located. I told him. He looked on his map and kept saying, "I don't see any activity in this area at all. There is really nothing there." I asked if he was talking about my house, and he said, "No, I mean the entire area." Wow! That was quite a shutdown for the cable company! He looked up the alerts. He said, "They don't eveh have an estimated time for completion." He sounded amazed at that news.
I thanked him, and ran to the library for a quick hit on the internet. Of course, there, the computers are very slow, and your time is extremely limited because the library was full and clients were waiting for their turn. I checked my email. I tried to send one to Deb in NZ to tell her my internet was down, and I'm not sure it went because the message was only in the subject line, and after some glares from other library patrons, I left. I came home, and I, OMG, have been cleaning! That's what happens when you have nothing else to do. The inbred gene in our bodies for cleanliness, which has been recessive, kicks in. I did allow myself a few breaks to come and check my computer for service. Then, at 1:47, it happened! It was like a welcome friend whom I had dearly missed! My internet service had returned! The recessive gene kicked out, but now my sense of obligation has kicked back in. When I finish this post, I have to go and finish my cleaning. Now, it's duty. Before, it was no internet! Oh, well, things happen like that to the best of us. I guess, I'm not exempt!
Glad you're back. I have to say, I think I'd do a whole lot more cleaning a whole lot more quickly if I wasn't always tempted by the thought of a "short" break online before I do the next chore. . .
Internet is down - in selective areas. This afternoon, we have internet service - but it will only allow us to go to certain websites. The rest are DNS error. Interestingly enough - ALL of Googles functionality is still there, except you can only to go certain websites on a serch result. maybe Google has taken over the internet?
Thank goodness you're back Ms M! I have to actually admit to getting a tiny bit worried when I didn't see you online before I went to bed last night!...or should I say this morning -lol!
Ahhhh - cleaning, now isn't that what we occasionally do ....in between the important things like torching & socialising online?
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