Clearly, if you've noticed in most of the photos I've posted of Pixie Marie, she is not a type A dog. This photo is one of the few I have of her where she is standing and not laying down.
I'd say, type C or D, but clearly not a type A.
Even as a child, I have been goal oriented. I'm certainly more of a type A personality than is my dog.
Yesterday, I asked some questions about goals.
1) What do you look forward to accomplishing in 2010?
In all honesty, I'm not sure. I know I'd like to improve my little business, but I'm really stuck on how to do that. That will require more thinking.
2) Do your anticipated accomplishments need to be major or life changing?
No, they don't.
3) What are your goals and expectations for 2010?
A) I want to have fun and to laugh more.
B) I want to enjoy my life and all the people who cross my path.
C) I want peace in my heart and in my soul.
D) I want to grow closer to God and develop my spiritual life.
E) I want to become a better bead maker so that the creative part of my soul will thrive.
F) I want to become a more kind person.
Wow! I'm thinking that's quite a list, and a different one from last year.
4) Will all of your goals be pleasurable? Do they have to be pleasurable?
Not necessarily, but I do think they are important.
2010 is only hours away now. In parts of the world, it's already 2010. As I close out this blog for 2009, I do so with a sense of hope and accomplishment. I hope that those who read this blog enjoyed it. I hope that you joined with me in my struggles to become a a better bead maker. I hope you stay and watch the new year unfold with me.
If I have brought you a bit of joy, I am glad. If I have brought you a bit of laughter, I am glad.
If you found some inspiration in what I wrote or showed, I'm glad.
Now, it's almost time for the Babe of New Year's to enter the picture. Life is a journey. We are all in it together. I hope that we can help each other as we go.
Welcome 2010!